Hmmm..wonder whose set list is this?
Guided by Voices!
The classic 93-96 lineup
Lots of photographers!
Overexposed Bob
This 1996 video is what they looked like back then
This video is a later 2001 version of them with just Bob as the original
GBV. Lot of people didnt like this because
it wasn't "Lo-Fi" anymore. I liked it.
Its very catchy.
Robert mentioned this would be their last show together as a band.
Its not clear whether he meant the band Guided by Voices or
just this bands line up.
They closed the show with this classic opening track from their earlier album Alien Lanes:
The club is open
Diamond Rings
Twin Shadow
Saw these guys as I headed out to my car.
They were mirroring each other all throughout their walk.
They probably didn't even notice they were doing it.
Anyway, that's it for Sept. 9
Hopscotch Sept. 9